Sunday, January 09, 2022

White Domes Trail, Valley of Fire State Park Nevada

 I left Kim and Boomer behind for a quick trip around the loop.   
This trail has deep sand which makes walking challenging! 
At the beginning there are makeshift stairs made of rocks that you climb down, ahead there are looming white domes and a spectacular valley.
This was the backdrop for the movie the Producers, which I haven't seen yet.  
There are still some remnants from the set.   

The trail moves into a small ravine, with steep cliffs on either side.  You can reach out with both of your arms and touch the sides as you walk.  The shade was a welcome relief to the sun.   

As I turned a corner to go back up the trail, I saw a mountain goat standing majestically on a cliff.  
A few of us stopped to take him in.  He was so beautiful along with the rock cliffs.
  As I walked further, I wanted to take a picture, but someone was in the spot.   I thought I'd hike a little ways and wait for them to move.
Then I realized it was my family!   Boomer and Kim were in a small alcove.

I was so glad to see them!

Boomer here, and I just want to add my own two bones about this.    I don't like it when my family separates.
I tried to express this with this look when I was first taken to the other end of the trail, away from where Suzi went!
 I like them both together, preferably driving a car, truck, RV or golfcart.   So I was so glad when we were all reunited.   I had to be on leash in the park but I did really good, even when other dogs crossed my path.    
My family says I am a really good dog.  I love rolling in the sand out here!  It's nice and soft, and coats my fur just perfectly.  I don't know why my mom is always dusting me off.    I really like this trail and climbing on the rocks.   
Can't wait to see where my family takes me next!

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