Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Valley Of Fire State Park NV: First Campsite At Arch Rock Campground With Goat Greeting

We’re at Valley of Fire near the entrance to Arch Rock Campground we were greeted by a herd of mountain goats there were about a dozen spread out across the field.

 I love the mountain goats that make their home here! 

  The campground is nestled in amazing rock formations. Since there are no power hookups here, we chose a space that will get plenty of sun to charge the batteries via solar power.

They were once sand dunes in the age of the dinosaurs and overtime they formed into solid rock and weathered with time.  Interesting caverns and holes have taken shape.  When you first arrive you feel like there’s a hundred faces peering at you.  

The mountain goats are what make it feel like home.  They are so beautiful with their large horns and nimble feet.  You can hear their hoofs striking the rocks as they make their way through the canyon. 
Boomer's View:

Three goats just ran by the window and it was amazing.   As morning progesses more rocks and shapes become visible.  
Yesterday we left before the sun rose, but today, I’m watching as the sun slowly provides a spotlight, illuminating sections as it moves higher on the horizon.

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