Wednesday, January 05, 2022

near Overton NV

 We were off to go exploring.  Boom stuck his head out the back and looked pleased with our decision.   We took a sharp left into the canyon on a dirt road.  There are a few RV's parked back there and we were curious.  Unfortunately, the entrance is on a blind corner so it would be difficult to get out.  But there were some beautiful views of the hills and canyons.  

We looked across the way and realized we could see Poverty Flats and a bit of Snowbird Mesa.

                            our rig is in the center of the photo (2nd from right)

 Boom took me for a walk along the road while Kim followed in the car.   We saw some beautiful cliff faces and canyons down below.   Km passed us and Boom chased after her.  She parked up on a hill and as soon as he saw her park, he ran full bore up to greet her.

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