Sunday, January 09, 2022

Rainbow Overlook and Trail: Valley of Fire State Park, NV

 Suzi hiked on one last hike before the night fell.   

The rainbow trail has large boulders on either side, 

as you walk about a mile and half to an overlook.   

This one has the same deep sand as the others, and the beautiful cliff faces.   

At the end of the trail was a valley and you can climb up to get a good view.   

It was starting to get dusky as I made my way back to the car and my family.

Since we were so close, we drove to one last overlook before calling it a day.  

We hiked out onto a cliff edge and looked around at the rock structures around us.  The park ranger came to the parking lot with a loud speaker and announced we had 14 minutes to leave before closing.

We took a few pictures of the sunset and some beautiful hills before heading back to camp.

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