Wednesday, January 05, 2022

Canyon hiking

Boomer and I went down the canyon between Poverty Flats and Snowbird Mesa.    Boomer led the way through the rocks.  I had to do a lot of climbing and going down slowly on loose rocks.   We finally made it to the canyon floor where there is a smooth wash to walk on.   We were looking for the trail Punky and Caron created when they were here years ago.   It's a zigzagging trail up to the top where they camped.   We made our way alone the interesting striations and carved out cliffs.   We came to a tire, and I glanced up to see if it was a marker.   I couldn't see any trail, only loose rocks, so Boomer and I kept going.  The wash got deeper and I felt like I had passed it.   

I did see a way up the canyon with not as many loose rocks to come tumbling down on me.   Boom and I made our way up.  Fortunately Boom is much more sure-footed than I am.   Kim called us from PUnky and Caron's site and we had gone too far.   After Boom and I scrambled to the top, Kim came and picked us up.   

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