Sunday, January 02, 2022

Punky and Caron's favorite spot?

My family wanted to see where Punky and Caron used to camp.   Grandpa Caron told us how he found his favorite spot on Snowbird Mesa. 

There is a view of Overton from the top of the mesa.  

They also have great views of the mountains from up here.

It's hard to find their secret spot because it is below the main mesa and really difficult to see the road.   

The spot was beautiful and spacious overlooking the canyon. 

My RV is in this picture.  Can you find it? My family call it 'Boomer's Ride'  I like the sound of that!  It's visible over the canyon here.  Hint:  If you look closely it's the white box on the left.  (only the top half is showing.)   This view is looking towards the most populated part of Poverty Flats.  

 Caron used to have a trail leading down to the canyon floor, but we couldn't find it.  There was one spot but it looked like the rains washed part of it away, unless we did not look in the correct place.

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