It was still dark and you could see the stars still vivid outside the window. I bundled up as the first signs of daylight started over the horizon and my puppies joined me outside.

I love the different bird calls that greet you from the swamp and water as you open up the front door. A great cacophony of sounds arise from every direction as the sun rises. Dark auburrns come up at first and as the light comes, the osprey start looking over the waters for food. I could even hear their large powerful wings splash into the water as the osprey grabbed onto his yummy fish breakfast.
The light started to brighten and become more luminescent pink. Kim woke up and joined me and I got caught using her camera!

The sunrises are all a lot alike but it is so much fun to watch the glow of the sun come up over the horizon. It became much warmer as we went back inside for breakfast. (Not fish!) I love the different birds here that fly overhead and swim by, each with their own distinguished call. I really wouldn't mind returning here someday.
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