After Carlsbad Caverns, we stayed in the magnificent Guadalupe Mountains National Park. We arrived just in time to get the last spot that our 5er would fit in. The rv's were in basically a paved lot, while the tents had a nice campground that is more like one would expect from the national park system. It was quite un level! So much so that our neighbor (who had automatic levelers) actually had one of his tires off the ground! We were so tired we did not worry about it! we actually slept fine, although we did not feel comfortable putting the slider out due to the feeling of tipping over... each time we would move around we would stager on our steps down to the main living area, and Suzi had quite the time cooking. Put an orange on the counter, and it would quickly roll to the floor! The campground was small, built by the park is encircled by rocky peaks all around.

Mountain Lion warnings are on all the trail heads. YAY! We're finally home! This country just takes your breath away. After being in the relatively flat areas of Florida and Louisiana it is just amazing to see these giants on the horizon.

It had been almost a year since we have seen actual mountains looming over the land. It actually feels like we're in a different country, the contrast is so incredible. I can't wait to see more!
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