Friday, December 31, 2021

Lessons By Boomer

 One of my favorite things to do is to really experience a place by rolling on the ground.  

 You should try it!   You roll over and just rub your back, it feels so good!  And after you roll over and rub, you run full bore down the path!  

My family only seems to look at all the plants, cliff faces, and cactuses, I don't understand!?   They don't smell them, they just ooh and ahh and look at them!?  
 But the real treasures lie in the smells beneath the shrubs and the little holes burrowed in the dirt.   

Boy, I'd really like to chase whatever's in those holes!  My family has no appreciation for the finer things in life.  

I thought for a brief second that they were getting the idea about holes, but it turned out they were just admiring an ant hill that was flattened by recent rains.  

They said something about it being the first wildlife seen here. 
They spent a long time looking at a little cactus.   Why???
There was some interesting scat nearby that needed sniffing!  So frustrating!  

 There's so much they're missing.   
It just takes time to teach them, soon they'll be getting down and sniffing everything.  I just know it!

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