Sunday, December 19, 2021

Jackpot, NV

We spent the night in Jackpot, Nevada

Last night was chilly!  Our propane furnace quit working and all we had was 1 electric heater.  So we winterized our pipes being thankful that we brought a couple gallons of pink antifreeze for just such an event.  Outside it got down to 18F that night, but inside it was a balmy 52F in the morning.  Originally we were going to take our time heading south from here, but since the furnace is not working and it is a weekend so we cannot find help to repair it, we are going to trek south faster than planned.

Boomer here, this place is fun! There is an empty field next door that I romped in. (there is a doggie park nearby also but we did not have time to check it out.)  My family is stressed out though.  They worry too much!  Something about the heater not working and possibility of pipes freezing.  They should just romp in the snow with me and not worry so much…

 OK, it’s later at night and I have my nose tucked in and now I understand the whole heat thing.  Still,  I give this place 4 paws and a tail up!    

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