Monday, December 20, 2021

Alamo, NV


Alamo Community Park full hookups.  I might be concerned about low voltage for power if the park is full.  Only 2 neighbors and they took off early so we had the place to ourselves to research how to get furnace fixed and where to stay.

Hello Boomer here in Alamo Nevada.   The hills in the distance are just lighting up with the rising sun.  It’s cold in here!  I don’t know why my family can’t turn up the heat!  It’ 54 in here.  Something about the furnace not working.

But it’s all good because there are HORSES here!  This is so cool!  And dogs to watch.  We are at a rodeo ground camping and this is really, really fun.   There’s room for me to romp in the field next door. My people are thankful that I listen good, and I don’t eat or roll in horse doo doo.

 I give it 4 paws and a tail up.  

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