Monday, December 27, 2021

Overton NV pull out

 Boomer here and we didn't go to our usual field this morning.  I'm always up for a good car ride and it was really exciting.   My family takes me out in the car and rolls the window down so I can stick my snout out and get all the good sniffs along the way.   I also love sticking my head on my mom's shoulder while she drives and looking out the front window. 

We weren't going the usual way!  Where are we going!  It's too exciting.   Well my family took me to this pull out.  

 In the distance was a deep ravine, and lots of small shrubs and interesting rocks.   They let me romp and sniff.

They admired Mead Lake in the distance.  Why don't they get down and sniff the bushes?  It's so much more interesting! 

Anyway, they took me to the overlook for the ravine, and I peered down to the bottom.  Of course this gets my mom all worried about me falling...sheesh, so I had to move away.    

In the ravine were sharp craggy rock outcroppings, and the shadows obscured part of the view.   I got to do some climbing with my mom on the rocks.  That was fun!   

As we walked back to the car together, I took my last few sniffs, and marked a lot of the bushes as my own...hee hee.    They rolled the window down for me to stick my head out on the way back.  I can't wait to see where they take me next!

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