Thursday, December 23, 2021

Stewart's Point, Lake Mead, Overton, NV

 Boomer here, sometimes my family is so weird.  They take these random roads just to see where they lead.  So they saw this sign that said 'Stewart's Point' and my mom was like, 'can't we see where that goes?'   So down they went and it soon turned to gravel.  There were some houses in dire need of repair and some that look like they are currently being lived in.   

At the end was a road down towards the water was an area that looked like BLM dispersed camping complete with a newer people outhouse.

I took my mom for a little hike down, and it was so windy, we could hear the waves crashing against the shore.  

I have to keep an eye on her all the time when we hike so she doesn't get lost.  (Yes, she got lost once in the hills because she didn't listen to me but that's another story.)   As we made our way back, my other mom sat on a huge rock formation and I couldn't wait to see her.  I was thirsty!  This family is so exhausting, but I love them anyway!

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