Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Echo Bay Lake Mead... ALWAYS listen to your dog

 Boomer here, and I want to report that my mom isn't always the brightest.  I took her for a walk in the hills here in Echo Bay.  There are smooth paths where the water runs in the valleys and little wild mule and bighorn sheep trails that we follow.   

She told me we were following one of the cliff faces and then keeping to the left of a park fence.   Well, the park fence ended and she wanted to go just a little bit further and see what was around the bend.   She thought she would figure out which of the 3 forks she had gone down.  Piece of cake, she said...  Well, when we came back, she lost sight of the fence she was following.   I tried to lead her back but she second-guessed me.   That will teach her!   I came with her anyway, just to protect her and she led me through some big rocks and steep grades.  I kept close by but I kept trying to tell her to go back.   Finally, she climbed a big cliff to see if she could see any familiar landmarks.   

There, in the distance was the familiar cliff face with the pale and orange rocks.   She climbed back up where I was trying to lead her in the first place and she found the fence.   She got back to the car from a different angle and we had to climb under a fence....hee hee!  The lesson here is is obvious:  Always Listen To Your Dog!

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