Friday, December 31, 2021

Lessons By Boomer

 One of my favorite things to do is to really experience a place by rolling on the ground.  

 You should try it!   You roll over and just rub your back, it feels so good!  And after you roll over and rub, you run full bore down the path!  

My family only seems to look at all the plants, cliff faces, and cactuses, I don't understand!?   They don't smell them, they just ooh and ahh and look at them!?  
 But the real treasures lie in the smells beneath the shrubs and the little holes burrowed in the dirt.   

Boy, I'd really like to chase whatever's in those holes!  My family has no appreciation for the finer things in life.  

I thought for a brief second that they were getting the idea about holes, but it turned out they were just admiring an ant hill that was flattened by recent rains.  

They said something about it being the first wildlife seen here. 
They spent a long time looking at a little cactus.   Why???
There was some interesting scat nearby that needed sniffing!  So frustrating!  

 There's so much they're missing.   
It just takes time to teach them, soon they'll be getting down and sniffing everything.  I just know it!

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Blue Point Spring Trailhead Overton NV

 Boomer here, and we have been sitting at the campsite for too long.  No rides! 

 Can you believe it?  Every time my family takes me outside, I tell them to take the car.  Do they listen to me?  NO!  Well, yesterday they said the words I love to hear.  My mom sits in front of me and says:  "You And Me Are Going For A Drive!"

Those are the best words ever!  I do pirouettes when I hear those words!   They got my leash out!  Then I had to wait while they do silly human things like getting the trash and water bottles.  Really, can they be any slower?  

 At last, they opened the door to the car and said "Get In!"  I love those words too!

I stuck my snout out while they chauffered me down the road.   Where were we going to go?  The excitement was just too much! 

We ended up at an Oasis Park called Blue Point Spring. It is where five large palm trees guard the entrance.    

A New Place To Sniff!  Oh Boy!  There is a well worn trail.   We were the only ones there and my family took me down the path.   This was so exciting.   There were green patches where it looks like water has pooled up in the desert.  Interesting plants and cacti, and hoof prints, which my mom forgot to take pictures of.  She's in trouble...hee hee.  

And in the distance, the beautiful hills were still visible in the dusk and the red rock cliffs which I can't wait to sniff.   It was dark by the time we got home, and my family settled back into my RV.   

Where will they take me tomorrow?  I Can't Wait!

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Ravine between Poverty Flats and Snowbird Mesa, Overton, NV

 Boomer here and just a quick update.   My family found a way to the bottom of the canyon!  

 They aren't as sure footed as me, so I wait patiently while they catch up.  Plus there's lots of really great sniffs!  

I led my family down to the floor of the canyon that divides Snowbird Mesa from Poverty Flats. 

I had a lot of fun going down the wash which was really smooth, and coming back to my family when they called me.

  I have to make sure my family doesn't get lost. 
 These rocks were good reminders for them on what vein they needed to come up to find the RV.  Sometimes I need to herd them to keep my family on track.

Posing for pictures....sheesh.  They followed me home safely.

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Moving Day from Echo Bay Resort, Overton, NV to Poverty Flats, Overton, NV

 Boomer here, and my family is so strange.  They're teaching me a phrase called, "Moving Day.'   This means my family races around frantically getting everything travel-ready in the RV before 11 AM.  How weird is that?   But I love traveling in the RV.  When my family started the RV to get it warmed up, I got really excited!   My mom said I'm her Co-Pilot/Navigator.  

 I like to look over her shoulder out the front window and help her drive.   I can also supervise from the back bed when I want to lay down.   I really like going in the RV!   Right now we are parked in a place called Poverty Flats.  

We passed alot of RV's coming down here off of the highway, but they all seem a good distance away from eachother, not like in a regular campground.  

We could have parked across the ravine at Snowbird Mesa, but my family wanted a good walking area for me plus they keep fretting about me getting near the cliffs.  

My family says we don't have regular household electricity or as they call it shore power.  We will be using only 12 volt batteries, solar power and a generator.   I don't see why they need electricity in the first place?  So weird!  

Why do they need all that fancy stuff when there are shrubs to explore and hills to climb and roads to go down!   

  There's a hill next to us that I get to climb, and the road we came in on goes further down.  Since it gets a little rocky and uneven they don't want to take the rv past where we are.  Not many rv's past us, so it makes for a good trail for me to walk every morning.  Pretty soon my mom is going to take me out for my 'constitutional'  (she calls it that...sheesh)   I can't wait to go exploring! 

Monday, December 27, 2021

Overton NV pull out

 Boomer here and we didn't go to our usual field this morning.  I'm always up for a good car ride and it was really exciting.   My family takes me out in the car and rolls the window down so I can stick my snout out and get all the good sniffs along the way.   I also love sticking my head on my mom's shoulder while she drives and looking out the front window. 

We weren't going the usual way!  Where are we going!  It's too exciting.   Well my family took me to this pull out.  

 In the distance was a deep ravine, and lots of small shrubs and interesting rocks.   They let me romp and sniff.

They admired Mead Lake in the distance.  Why don't they get down and sniff the bushes?  It's so much more interesting! 

Anyway, they took me to the overlook for the ravine, and I peered down to the bottom.  Of course this gets my mom all worried about me falling...sheesh, so I had to move away.    

In the ravine were sharp craggy rock outcroppings, and the shadows obscured part of the view.   I got to do some climbing with my mom on the rocks.  That was fun!   

As we walked back to the car together, I took my last few sniffs, and marked a lot of the bushes as my own...hee hee.    They rolled the window down for me to stick my head out on the way back.  I can't wait to see where they take me next!

View from Boomers day bed

 My family got me a really cool RV.   I can lie in the bed and look out the back or the side windows.  Where we're parked in Echo Bay, I have a perfect view out the windows towards the mountains and I can see the sun setting in the distance. 

  I also get to see dogs walking their people and birds landing on the outside picnic table.   There have been some beautiful sunsets, deep pink and peach as the sun goes over the hills and disappears.   Soon I'll get the last call and a treat. It'll be time for bed and I can dream about all the adventures we'll have in the morning.

Friday, December 24, 2021


Spendng this Christmas at Echo Bay Resort, Overton, NV


 Boomer here, now I've never lived with cats before and I don't know what is normal.

My sister Natasha is obsessed with water.   She likes to play in the water at night, which drives my family batty.  She tries to tip it over and get inside the water.  She's usually sopping wet as well as the floor. (they moved my drinking water to the shower to avoid the sopping wet carpet.     She also tries to get in the toilet and sometimes my mom has a tiz with her as she tries to hold on to the toilet seat so mom can't get her out of there.   

My brother Louis always wants to do lovins every day, where he bumps his head into mine and purrs.  My mom says it's because he loves me.   He really likes to cuddle and I don't know what to think about that.   

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Stewart's Point, Lake Mead, Overton, NV

 Boomer here, sometimes my family is so weird.  They take these random roads just to see where they lead.  So they saw this sign that said 'Stewart's Point' and my mom was like, 'can't we see where that goes?'   So down they went and it soon turned to gravel.  There were some houses in dire need of repair and some that look like they are currently being lived in.   

At the end was a road down towards the water was an area that looked like BLM dispersed camping complete with a newer people outhouse.

I took my mom for a little hike down, and it was so windy, we could hear the waves crashing against the shore.  

I have to keep an eye on her all the time when we hike so she doesn't get lost.  (Yes, she got lost once in the hills because she didn't listen to me but that's another story.)   As we made our way back, my other mom sat on a huge rock formation and I couldn't wait to see her.  I was thirsty!  This family is so exhausting, but I love them anyway!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Boat ramp, Echo Bay, Overton, NV

Hello Boomer here and my family has been taking me all around Lake Mead and the surrounding areas to explore.  

There's a boat dock near where we are parked and my family took me out to romp.  

There were two ravens nearby that watched us play. 

We walked along the cliffs looking down into the water.  My mom took me down a ways towards the water.  Of course my family was a bunch of worry warts and fretted about me getting too close to the edge...sheesh.   It was drizzling out but I had so much fun running on the sand and rocks.  It is so beautiful here, and there's so much to sniff and explore!

Echo Bay Lake Mead... ALWAYS listen to your dog

 Boomer here, and I want to report that my mom isn't always the brightest.  I took her for a walk in the hills here in Echo Bay.  There are smooth paths where the water runs in the valleys and little wild mule and bighorn sheep trails that we follow.   

She told me we were following one of the cliff faces and then keeping to the left of a park fence.   Well, the park fence ended and she wanted to go just a little bit further and see what was around the bend.   She thought she would figure out which of the 3 forks she had gone down.  Piece of cake, she said...  Well, when we came back, she lost sight of the fence she was following.   I tried to lead her back but she second-guessed me.   That will teach her!   I came with her anyway, just to protect her and she led me through some big rocks and steep grades.  I kept close by but I kept trying to tell her to go back.   Finally, she climbed a big cliff to see if she could see any familiar landmarks.   

There, in the distance was the familiar cliff face with the pale and orange rocks.   She climbed back up where I was trying to lead her in the first place and she found the fence.   She got back to the car from a different angle and we had to climb under a fence....hee hee!  The lesson here is is obvious:  Always Listen To Your Dog!

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Furnace fixed


The service tech came out to our space, most of the cost was because we are so far out of town but they got us fixed up and we are doing warm air dances.

We have full hookups, but most of the spaces while spacious enough are not level. Seems like a good central location to do reconnaissance missions to decide where we want to move to next.

Boomers Bike trail at Echo Bay, Overton, NV


Boomer here, at the edge of the park, there's a bike trail and my moms are taking me down to romp.  It's so much fun following the little bike trail and I really enjoy running back and forth.  My mom sometimes tries to get my picture and because I'm so fast, all she gets is my tail,  hee hee.


Monday, December 20, 2021

Echo Bay Resort, Overton, NV

Since the furnace is still not working we decided to stay at a power space.  The first place we checked is Fun & Sun Mobile Home and RV Park.  It is a 55+ park which we can go to, but they have a no large dog limit, but they were super nice and gave us the name of a service tech and told us Echo Bay Resort would allow us to stay with a large dog. 

We booked a week stay at Echo Bay Resort in Overton, NV so we can have heat.  It is much more manageable since the temp has been 33F for a low and up to 60F for a high.  We found someone to look at the furnace while we are here.  If we can get it fixed we will do some boondocking.

Boomer here, my family has taken me to the Overton area in Nevada.   We are now at Lake Mead in a place called Echo Bay.   We are in a full campground which means I have to have one of my mom's attached to a leash.   

Alamo, NV


Alamo Community Park full hookups.  I might be concerned about low voltage for power if the park is full.  Only 2 neighbors and they took off early so we had the place to ourselves to research how to get furnace fixed and where to stay.

Hello Boomer here in Alamo Nevada.   The hills in the distance are just lighting up with the rising sun.  It’s cold in here!  I don’t know why my family can’t turn up the heat!  It’ 54 in here.  Something about the furnace not working.

But it’s all good because there are HORSES here!  This is so cool!  And dogs to watch.  We are at a rodeo ground camping and this is really, really fun.   There’s room for me to romp in the field next door. My people are thankful that I listen good, and I don’t eat or roll in horse doo doo.

 I give it 4 paws and a tail up.  

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Jackpot, NV

We spent the night in Jackpot, Nevada

Last night was chilly!  Our propane furnace quit working and all we had was 1 electric heater.  So we winterized our pipes being thankful that we brought a couple gallons of pink antifreeze for just such an event.  Outside it got down to 18F that night, but inside it was a balmy 52F in the morning.  Originally we were going to take our time heading south from here, but since the furnace is not working and it is a weekend so we cannot find help to repair it, we are going to trek south faster than planned.

Boomer here, this place is fun! There is an empty field next door that I romped in. (there is a doggie park nearby also but we did not have time to check it out.)  My family is stressed out though.  They worry too much!  Something about the heater not working and possibility of pipes freezing.  They should just romp in the snow with me and not worry so much…

 OK, it’s later at night and I have my nose tucked in and now I understand the whole heat thing.  Still,  I give this place 4 paws and a tail up!