Wednesday, February 16, 2022

RV park -- Pacific Beach State Park, Washington

Getting to stay here for a couple of days it's been so much fun to watch the tide ebb and wane. 
For those not used to coming out to the coast there are TSUNAMIS ALERT signs on all the highways when you get close to the ocean.  One sign tsunamis alert sign pointed to the right.  The only road to the right was a logging road with sharp switchbacks going up a recently logged hill.
We found this interesting sign that explains what creates tsunamis.
Boomer spends alot of his time rolling on the beach.  
 Kim found a great camping spot overlooking the water.

There are huge boulders to help with erosion so while we some some climbing down the boulders, it's a lot easier  to take a hike and get on the beach via one of the trails.
What a gift to be able to come to the ocean this year.   I feel so lucky to be able to spend a few days here.

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