Wednesday, February 09, 2022

City Park at Myrtle Creek, Oregon

 We pulled into the small city park campground in the afternoon.  

 Beautiful grass and trees and a park just nearby.  But there was also a train track that went by the park entrance road.   We weren't sure if the trains were active, but at night we found out they were!   In the dark of the night, the trains sounded like it was just feet from us, with metal on metal scraping sounds as it went by above us across the park entrance road.

But this park was gorgeous, with a train trestle nearby and a park with a frisbee course.   Boomer led me right down to the river's edge and we did some exploring. 

 The trees are so much denser than in Montana or down south. 

 Boomer enjoyed exploring the park and finding little trails down to the water.   We headed out the next day but overall enjoyed our stay.  This was a popular dog walking area and we got to see dogs of every shape and size going by.

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