Thursday, February 10, 2022

Polk County Fairgrounds near Dallas OR

 We are staying at the Polk County Fairgrounds near Dallas, OR.   

There are fields all around us and when the sky is clear, you can see the snowy Mount Hood in the distance.  Unfortunately it was cloudy most of our stay.

 On several trees beside us, two hawks perch

and watch for their dinner at night.  They look very regal up on the trees on either side of us. 

   Boomer likes to go for a walk in the nearby park.   It's a tree-lined oasis by the river.   Everything has changed since we've left the desert.  It's been foggy with a low cloud ceiling that makes us want to duck our heads.  Moss lines the trees and my shoes are sopping after walking with Boom on the grass.

At the Fairgrounds there are hookups for RVs and in the center is a truck driving school where trainees drive around in circles and practice backing up.  There's something unnerving about having a huge truck with 'driver in training' on the side coming right at you!   On the bright side, it's entertaining to watch.

The local park is dedicated to a former Oregon Senator Nesmith, and he is buried with his family in a beautiful little plot in the park.   They lived here in the late 1800s and the park is named in honor of him.   It's another cloudy, moist day this morning and later we will be breaking camp and heading to the ocean.

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