Friday, February 11, 2022

Fort Stevens State Park Oregon -- Peter Iredale shipwreck on beach

The first stop was the site of the Peter Iredale shipwreck on the beach.

 It crashed ashore during a storm in 1906 and had to be abandoned.   

  All crew members were rescued but the British ship was beyond repair.   Captain H. Lawrence blessed it and let it go to the sands.   A small section of the bow is still visible.   So different from its original glory, but fascinating to see the rusty bones. 

 Several other metal sections are buried nearby.  The shipwreck is absolutely stunning with the setting sun and ocean behind it.

We found this historical web site:  

The wreck of the Peter Iredale is shown in this photograph, taken by Portland photographer Leo Simon on November 13, 1906, nineteen days after the ship ran aground near Ft. Stevens 

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