Monday, August 15, 2005

Suzi's folks did some research, and found out that our little friend, we call him Jimmy is actually the molten remains of a Cicada.

There is a great pic here:

I had fun reading about them. There is a shrill noise in the trees here. I asked the camp host, and was told locusts. I doubted that, but didn't take it further. Upon reading I found that the male Cicada makes the noise to attract the females. We had heard the sound in Arkansas also when we were there a few years back. But the thing I enjoyed reading the most was the part about eating them. Caution, if you are allergec to shrimp, you may aslo be allergic to Cicadas.

Here is a handy recipe book online if you should choose to try them out... (no, I won't be trying any soon)

Samantha says they are delicious. They say they come up around dusk, now I know why Sam always begs to go out at dusk here...

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