Friday, August 05, 2005

8/5/05 Friday
Ok, let me tell you MY version on what happened Monday! The truck was in the shop for a FULL WEEK!! They would not let Samantha and I ride in the rental car, very often. Something about us shedding, and it being a pain to clean... hrrumph! picky picky picky!!! Don't they realize they need us?? We are great protection, I can lick someone to death with the best of them. Not to mention our duties to make random people smile! I often look over and some unsuspecting soul will look stressed, but when they see Sam or myself they will smile, and let go of some of their stress. It is a public service to take us places!

Then one day, I think you humans refer to it as Monday, She left us yet again, how depressing! Didn't she see the wounded looks both Samantha and I gave her??? Well low and behold, eventually, hours later she arrived back home!! We could not believe our eyes, our truck was back!! Samantha and I were sooooo excited that when she opened the door, rather than bouncing up and down waiting for her to come in so we could whine and lick her like crazy, like we normally do. We shocked her and bolted out the door, bypassing her completely. We had to see the truck for ourselves, we both ran to the door of the truck, jumped up and down a couple of times, then ran back to Kim. We ran back to the truck again before we took the time to listen to her and get back in to the 5er like she had requested. Then we gave her the greeting she has been accustomed to!

It is sooo great to have our truck back. The only place we don't get to go is the store. Something about it being too hot out and frying our brains...

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