Monday, June 24, 2024

Sewer pipe install we struck water...

 The digger got across the road, and vollia they struck water. It is a water pipe that we have no idea where it goes, but it does NOT go to our park.  

 The break is at this end of the ditch, the sewer main is in the distance.

They put a shut off valve on the pipe  and turned our water back on.  We confirmed All our water is working in the park, so we think the water was going to a neighbor?   On the bright side, we found out the shut off valve at the meter works, and we were able to turn off the water to the whole park.

Shut off valve is under cone in pic.

The valve is north of the 6 inch sewer line.
We will leave it uncovered a few days to be sure it is not used by us before burying it.
Update, they put a vertical piece of PVC sewer pipe with metal tape at the shut off valve in case we want to find it again.

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