Monday, June 10, 2024

John Deere x485 gas leak on top of engine: read to end to find out results

 Thought we had our leak figured out.  it appeared to be one of the fuel lines.  even had cracks in the hose.

Changed the hose tried it out, and it is actually leaking onto the hose from above.

Below is a video of the leak.

Ok, I think we figured it out again.  on the end of the fuel injectors there is a pipe with an O ring, 2, one for each injector.  

The way we accessed it is we had to remove 2 nuts (wrench in pic) and 2 bolts (wratchet in pic)  (size 10mm)

Turned out the housing for the fan/belt was in the way.  There is not a tension release on the fan belt, so I loosened the 4 bolts, (I did not need to remove them, just loosen) there are 2 on each side where wrenches are.  (size 12mm)

It worked, no gasoline leak.  : )

only problem was I had a red idiotlight flashing on the dash, turned out it was Morris code 

I forgot to reattach the wire to the air filter 

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