Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Sewer fun at Choteau Mountain View RV Campground upgrade

 So it turns out folks love sewer hookups for their RV's.

So, we are wanting to put sewer on the opposite side of the park from the city hookup, without having to pump stuff up hill.

Our plan is to put a 6 inch poly line all the way down to the other side of the park and attach any other sewer lines to the new line, plus put in occasional Ys in the line for future hookups.  At the other end we will put in a manhole for clean out access plus there will be clean outs along the way.  Then we will turn left uphill and replace any old utilities, and put in new.  The Field to the East is unusable with too much broken infrastructure.

The diggers finally broke ground this week.  This is where I get nervous...

Found out we have 2 pipes connecting into the city main.

  The top one is a 4 inch pipe which is way to shallow for our neighborhood (part of the reason we are closed in the winter), and the 2nd pipe is the lower one is a 6 inch pipe and is actually broken right where it goes into the main.  In the pic below they opened up the pipe to let stuff flow.

Here is a shot of the inside of the pipe showing how bad the blockage is.  The workers think the brake might be from an earthquake we had a few years back.

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