Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Sewer line update. pipe work is a work of art

Started hooking existing sewer lines to the new 6 inch pipe today.

The cone is the shut off valve for the water line we found yesterday.  The 2 white pipes are 4 inch existing lines from the park on the north side of the new 6 inch line.

In the pic below you can see the 4 inch lines on the north side of our new line.  They are the same as above, and if you look you can barely see a 6 inch line on the south side of the 6 inch line we are putting in.

I think the 6 inch line we came across is for sites 1-6 and the dump station.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Sewer pipe install we struck water...

 The digger got across the road, and vollia they struck water. It is a water pipe that we have no idea where it goes, but it does NOT go to our park.  

 The break is at this end of the ditch, the sewer main is in the distance.

They put a shut off valve on the pipe  and turned our water back on.  We confirmed All our water is working in the park, so we think the water was going to a neighbor?   On the bright side, we found out the shut off valve at the meter works, and we were able to turn off the water to the whole park.

Shut off valve is under cone in pic.

The valve is north of the 6 inch sewer line.
We will leave it uncovered a few days to be sure it is not used by us before burying it.
Update, they put a vertical piece of PVC sewer pipe with metal tape at the shut off valve in case we want to find it again.

Saturday, June 22, 2024


 Suzi's mom Carol has been here at Choteau Mountain View RV Campground for about a month now.

We have a hill behind the park where the city water is, and she has been walking the trail to the top, getting farther each time. 

Today she made it all the way to the top!

Congrats Carol!

Friday, June 21, 2024

Sewer update Choteau Mountain View RV Campground

 The guys got a little digging done.  They got the new pipe installed and glued to the sewer manhole.

The city sewer main is in the neighbors yard, across a gravel street.

They don't like the look of the upper 4 inch pipe so they are going to attach it to the 6 inch pipe after they cross the road and are in my yard.

They started to backfill, the metal tape is put on the pipe so if anyone ever needs to dig in the area they can find it without needing to dig.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Sewer fun at Choteau Mountain View RV Campground upgrade

 So it turns out folks love sewer hookups for their RV's.

So, we are wanting to put sewer on the opposite side of the park from the city hookup, without having to pump stuff up hill.

Our plan is to put a 6 inch poly line all the way down to the other side of the park and attach any other sewer lines to the new line, plus put in occasional Ys in the line for future hookups.  At the other end we will put in a manhole for clean out access plus there will be clean outs along the way.  Then we will turn left uphill and replace any old utilities, and put in new.  The Field to the East is unusable with too much broken infrastructure.

The diggers finally broke ground this week.  This is where I get nervous...

Found out we have 2 pipes connecting into the city main.

  The top one is a 4 inch pipe which is way to shallow for our neighborhood (part of the reason we are closed in the winter), and the 2nd pipe is the lower one is a 6 inch pipe and is actually broken right where it goes into the main.  In the pic below they opened up the pipe to let stuff flow.

Here is a shot of the inside of the pipe showing how bad the blockage is.  The workers think the brake might be from an earthquake we had a few years back.

Monday, June 10, 2024

John Deere x485 gas leak on top of engine: read to end to find out results

 Thought we had our leak figured out.  it appeared to be one of the fuel lines.  even had cracks in the hose.

Changed the hose tried it out, and it is actually leaking onto the hose from above.

Below is a video of the leak.

Ok, I think we figured it out again.  on the end of the fuel injectors there is a pipe with an O ring, 2, one for each injector.  

The way we accessed it is we had to remove 2 nuts (wrench in pic) and 2 bolts (wratchet in pic)  (size 10mm)

Turned out the housing for the fan/belt was in the way.  There is not a tension release on the fan belt, so I loosened the 4 bolts, (I did not need to remove them, just loosen) there are 2 on each side where wrenches are.  (size 12mm)

It worked, no gasoline leak.  : )

only problem was I had a red idiotlight flashing on the dash, turned out it was Morris code 

I forgot to reattach the wire to the air filter 

Sunday, June 09, 2024

Robin update

 Well the eggs have hatched and we have 3 babies in the nest. 

Mom has been busy scrounging for food for them.