Friday, October 12, 2012

Ruby Beach Overlook

We worked our way north along Hwy 101.
We could not help ourselves, we had to stop at the Ruby Beach Overlook.

In the photo below if you see the island in the distance:

There is a lighthouse there.
Normally when we come out this way we cannot resist the Pacific Ocean, and end up spending the rest of the trip on the beach, but that is not what this trip was about... We wanted to spend time in the Olympic National Park, so we just made it a quick stop.
We then drove down the Hoh rain rain forest road.  We checked out the campground, but decided it was too early to stop, so we moved on.
We did not realize until later that we did not take a single photo while in the Hoh Rain Forest.  It seemed very manicured, and we were not as in awe of it as we were other areas.   
The Giant Spruce tree was neat, but, we had been there before.

We probably would have thought about getting out of the truck, to get a better feel for the area, but there were a lot of 'no dogs' signs, which is typical of national parks, so it was not a surprise.

By the way, some areas in the Olympic Rain Forest get 14 feet, yes feet of rain a year!

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