Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dosewallips State Park

Our last stop ended up being Dosewallips State Park.

We thought about going into the Dosewallips area of Olympic National Park. But there was a sign at the highway saying it was closed.
We took this to mean It was time to go home.

We slept near the Puget Sound side of the park.  During the night we could hear the tide coming and going.  At one point around midnight the birds all started making a racket, moments later the wind started up and it sounded like hail, we figure it was small pine cones pelting the camper...

The cats, Natasha and Louis were real troopers with the whole camping thing, but I think they were getting cabin fever and were ready for a run.

This video dipicts what Louis cat thought of the idea of going home..

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