Monday, October 15, 2012

Elwa River, Whiskey Bend Road

Madison Falls was near the Elwa campground. 

In the morning we decided to drive up the canyon for a look at the Elwa River.

The main road was closed.  We don't know if this was because they close alot of places on October 1st for the season, or if it because there are 2 hydro Dams that are being removed, causing alot of areas around the Olympics to be closed.
  But we saw a road called Whiskey Bend Road, and decided to take it.

Here is a video of part of the drive we took...

Got a peek-a-boo look at one of the dams being removed.

There were some areas where you could see where the water level had gone down, leaving a rocky / muddy bare area.  But there were no views for photo's unless you wanted to take a long dogless walk...  
We did enjoy the drive though. 

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