Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lake Crescent WA

Lake Crescent is facinating.  It is over 8 miles long and it's depth is still unknown, but it is over 1000ft deep.  They think it was created centuries ago from an earthquake causing mass landslides in the area.  Creating Lake Cresent and Lake Sutherland.   Lake Cresent has land locked Trout.  We were taken aback by the beautiful blues and greens of the lake upon seeing it in the sunlight for the first time.  Evidently it is due to the lack of nitrogen in the water making it hard for algae to grow here, and it is formed from glacial water.

We spotted a day use area along the lake and pulled in. 
We found a great site to stop for lunch. 

We stayed so long the clouds rolled in and it started misting... 
This is what I am used to seeing the lake look like... gray like the skies.

Bailey (lower right corner) enjoyed her dip in the lake.

Here is a video of Bailey's swim:

We were planning on going to Hurricaine ridge next, but since the clouds rollled in and seemed low, we decided it would not be a good time to thake photo's of the mountains.  Where the Wind Takes Us...

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