Monday, June 20, 2016

Trailer update

Bailey stayed at her post while I worked in the garage.
She growled at all who ventured in the alley.  

Got the post brackets drilled and bolted to the frame.

The bolt heads are so close to the 90 degree bend in the metal that I had to use the open end of the wrench to hold it, which slowed up the installation a bit.
Also these brackets are a bit larger than I expected.
Last time I did this I had to sand the 2x4's a bit to make them slide into the pocket.
Once I tighten the center bolt the metal does flex and I am not going to worry to much about it.

Got slowed down when I realized on the tongue of the trailer
my piece of  the plywood we use as a step to get into the camper no longer fits.

I re-engineered the area where the posts for the 2x4's is 
and cut notches in the plywood to go around the posts.

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