Saturday, June 25, 2016

Liberty Lake Campground, WA pre wedding

We loved that there was a campground in the same park as the wedding.  
We arrived early giving us the opportunity to crash the rehearsal.  ; )

The Altar.

 The benches and grass is where we all sat for the wedding.

The board walk behind the altar.

The overlook of Liberty Lake behind the Altar.

Just over a small hill there was a nice reception area.

Zoe the dog charmer walked Gator and Bailey all the way from the campground
 to the area where the wedding was to take place.  

Wish I could get the dogs to walk this easily with me.

The view if Liberty Lake from the cabin 
Apryll and Casey rented for the night before the wedding. 

Some of the kids had fun playing in the tree.  
Only 1 fell out, and I think while he hurt for a bit he was fine.

Zoe helped her grandpa fetch the watermelon.

Dominic is getting sooo very big!

Clinton enjoyed the onions Ken fed him.

What happens to a dog after hanging out for the afternoon with Zoe.

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