Friday, June 17, 2016

trailer is back from welder.

Since they put an extra piece of steel in and welded it, it looks right.
They straightened the side that was bent also.
Good thing I took this pic, I noticed they did not tighten the bolt on the side.

Got to thinking the trailer is 10 years old now.  
Tires are getting old.  
Looking at them there are cracks between the treads.
Since we are getting new tires,
 I am going to rattle can paint the rims.
They were a bit pitted from rust so we decided to use hammered paint.
Here is the before shot of a wheel.
It is wet because I was washing them with dawn soap before painting.

Here is the after shot of the painted wheel with the new tires.

Since the trailer had some rust 

I sanded it down and primed it.

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