Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Trip MT to WA

Ok, so we decided to sell our house in Washington.

We have been renting the house out to the college age kids for around 9 years. I like to call the house 'the frat house' though there was no fraternity, just young people. It is time to move on, we are going to clean it, fix it, and sell the house. It is located in Bellevue WA.

I am starting a new blog for the before and after shots.  The link to the before and after shots is on the the right of this page it is:

I ditched Suzi and headed for WA to get started.  We figured it was better if someone was at the house during renovations.

Here are some shots from my trip over:

Saw this herd of Elk near Lincoln, MT.  
At first I miss took them for cows, but other cars were pulled over looking at them, 
so I did a double take.

As I neared Vantage I remembered how the marine layer can make it hazy.

Awww my first view of one of the majestic volcanoes. 
 I think this one is Mt Ranier.

Ok, this one is for you Suzi and any other Hawks fans:
Saw this truck near Cle Elum, WA

Also, near Moses Lake, WA  I also saw massive amounts of Sand Cranes heading north for the winter.  
Would have loved to get a shot of them, but was driving with no safe place to pull off. 
Around Ellensburg, WA  I saw 2 Great Blue Herons traveling in the same direction,
 it was a nice end to the endless Sand Cranes that I watched.

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