Friday, April 29, 2016

driving in Pacific NW

Took Bailey to Monroe today.  
When I got done talking to the guy sanding our hardwood floors, 
I found she wanted to be in her safe spot.

Took her to her favorite frisbee spot.
Wiggley Field in Monroe, WA
When we passed the library she started whining, 
when we turned off the main road she hopped in the front seat, 
wanting to hang her head out the window,
 even though the case of drinking water was in her way.

Problem was when we got into the park we came to a sign that said area closed due to high water.
so we cheated and played fetch on the grass right there.

Since we were in Monroe we decided to go to our usual place to change the oil on the truck.
I had Bailey get out of the truck, so she would not have to deal with strangers.
I sat on a railroad tie, and she army crawled under my legs to watch the workers.

Did some other stuff while in town and noticed they painted the old smoke tower in town.
Looks much better.

Time to take the drive back to Bellevue.
isn't traffic fun...

While I was on the 148th Ave ramp waiting for the light to change 
I noticed the view of Downtown Bellevue in my side mirror

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