Friday, April 29, 2016

driving in Pacific NW

Took Bailey to Monroe today.  
When I got done talking to the guy sanding our hardwood floors, 
I found she wanted to be in her safe spot.

Took her to her favorite frisbee spot.
Wiggley Field in Monroe, WA
When we passed the library she started whining, 
when we turned off the main road she hopped in the front seat, 
wanting to hang her head out the window,
 even though the case of drinking water was in her way.

Problem was when we got into the park we came to a sign that said area closed due to high water.
so we cheated and played fetch on the grass right there.

Since we were in Monroe we decided to go to our usual place to change the oil on the truck.
I had Bailey get out of the truck, so she would not have to deal with strangers.
I sat on a railroad tie, and she army crawled under my legs to watch the workers.

Did some other stuff while in town and noticed they painted the old smoke tower in town.
Looks much better.

Time to take the drive back to Bellevue.
isn't traffic fun...

While I was on the 148th Ave ramp waiting for the light to change 
I noticed the view of Downtown Bellevue in my side mirror

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Rain Rain Rain

oh, did I mention... RAIN

The neighbors behind us had a party last night, they had 2 tents side by side, I noticed one looks like it got a bit too much rain and collapsed.  

Bellevue, WA arrived : )

We arrived safely in Bellevue, WA
It was good to see Sarah, Joe, and Bear.

It has been nice to see Joe

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Marymoore Dog park

Bailey is enjoying being close to her favorite park.  
We try to go every other day.

There is lots to do here.

 Play fetch.

Greet new friends.
 don't let the pic fool you,
 right after this pic the other dogs owners grabbed their kid 
because the 2 dogs went on a rip chasing each other

Best of all go for a dip in the water.

Just sniffing around is always fun after getting tired with all the above mentioned.

Monday, April 11, 2016


During the move, Bear occasionally stayed over while Joe was at work.

Bailey and Bear seemed to enjoy each others company.

Thursday, April 07, 2016

Snoqualmie Pass, WA

I-90 is getting a lot wider at Snoqulmie Pass
They are going to try to make it so they don't have to close it as often due to avalanche. 
The construction has been going on for years.

Was going to take a break and look at Keechelus Lake could not get past the inner-tube area.
Normal years I can get a lot further down the road than this.  

I noticed coming out here that Rogers pass over by us had no snow to speak of on the sides of the road, just a bit on the mountains around us.  Then at Lookout Pass at the MT, ID border there was the amount of snow I was expecting for that time of year.  Fourth of July pass did not really have much snow, Snoqualmie Pass in WA, by far had the most snow.  Guess they hogged all the snow and rain out here since we are having a bit of a drought in MT

On a side note 1-2 weeks before I came out to Washington, Snoqulamie Pass was having road closures for avalanche control.

Vantage, WA

We spent the night at Post Falls, ID so to avoid Spokane traffic we left REALLY early.
We stopped at the Vantage, WA overlook and took a nap.

Bailey liked it until people started stopping.

It was a beautiful day.  Looking down at the Columbia River.

I 90 bridge going across the Columbia River, 

Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Russel Gates Memorial Campground

We stopped by Russel Gates Memorial Campground on our way to Washington. 
 The campground is in between Lincoln, MT and Missoula, MT on US hwy 2.

Bailey who thought it was scary weird that we hit the road with out her sister Gator dog, finally seemed to be enjoying herself.  She has been to this spot many times.

Suzi's rock with a cat painted on it is still at the base of the tree.

Trip MT to WA

Ok, so we decided to sell our house in Washington.

We have been renting the house out to the college age kids for around 9 years. I like to call the house 'the frat house' though there was no fraternity, just young people. It is time to move on, we are going to clean it, fix it, and sell the house. It is located in Bellevue WA.

I am starting a new blog for the before and after shots.  The link to the before and after shots is on the the right of this page it is:

I ditched Suzi and headed for WA to get started.  We figured it was better if someone was at the house during renovations.

Here are some shots from my trip over:

Saw this herd of Elk near Lincoln, MT.  
At first I miss took them for cows, but other cars were pulled over looking at them, 
so I did a double take.

As I neared Vantage I remembered how the marine layer can make it hazy.

Awww my first view of one of the majestic volcanoes. 
 I think this one is Mt Ranier.

Ok, this one is for you Suzi and any other Hawks fans:
Saw this truck near Cle Elum, WA

Also, near Moses Lake, WA  I also saw massive amounts of Sand Cranes heading north for the winter.  
Would have loved to get a shot of them, but was driving with no safe place to pull off. 
Around Ellensburg, WA  I saw 2 Great Blue Herons traveling in the same direction,
 it was a nice end to the endless Sand Cranes that I watched.