Friday, April 28, 2006

We had the opportunity to go to Edmonds WA just north of Seattle. We were picking someone up at the ferry, great to see ya, (and lick ya) Shandi! anyhow, here is a shot of the ferry.

It just so happens that there is another favorite spot of Sam and I real close to the Ferry Terminal! Yup, you guessed it, it is another off leash doggie park! One nice addition since we were here last is they put in a gate to keep dogs from wondering out to the parking lot with out their staff members!

The best part of this park, is that it is located right on the beach of the Puget Sound! Another nice addition is they had fresh water dishes up the hill from the beach, which is especially nice since the water in the Puget Sound is not fresh water, it is salt water. We were here just briefly at low tide...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi Guys! yay i was mentioned! *does little happy dance* sorry i got excited. i miss you!
love always, Shandi