Friday, April 28, 2006

We had the opportunity to go to Edmonds WA just north of Seattle. We were picking someone up at the ferry, great to see ya, (and lick ya) Shandi! anyhow, here is a shot of the ferry.

It just so happens that there is another favorite spot of Sam and I real close to the Ferry Terminal! Yup, you guessed it, it is another off leash doggie park! One nice addition since we were here last is they put in a gate to keep dogs from wondering out to the parking lot with out their staff members!

The best part of this park, is that it is located right on the beach of the Puget Sound! Another nice addition is they had fresh water dishes up the hill from the beach, which is especially nice since the water in the Puget Sound is not fresh water, it is salt water. We were here just briefly at low tide...

Thursday, April 27, 2006

It has been about a year since we got to run in the snow! I don't know how those poor dogs down there in Florida and Louisiana survive with out ever getting a good romp in the snow!

Samantha was so excited. She is right in her element when it comes to the snow.

It feels more like fall to us than spring. I can't hardly believe we will not be playing in this stuff for the next several months.

When it was time to go Sam had to take one last look back at the mountain!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Didn't get to swim today. Someone else beat us to the swimming hole.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The place we are calling home while we are waiting for our own yard has a neat private little creek area that Samantha and I enjoy walking to at least once a day. Sometimes if our staff ponder at the creek long enough we hop in. Sure is nice being out of gator country so we can do this!

Sam found the deep spot. Bet she doesn't do that again!

Monday, April 24, 2006

I guess we have been jaded about all the robins in both Washington State, and Montana for that matter. They are abundant on our morning walks here. Didn't realize they were missing until we got home.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

We had to laugh when we saw how our map for the year turned out... Guess it was the year of the doughnut!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Marymoor Park

Samantha and I got to go to our favorite place, Marymoor Park. Here is a shot of the Great Blue Heron We spotted while there.

Marymoor Park is a 640 acre King County park. It has lots of different venues, soccer fields, a velodrome, a climbing rock, a model plane flying area, a community garden, concerts in the park, just to name a few, but the best portion of it is a 40 acre off leash doggie park!

It is nice to be able to just run as fast as you can without the hampering of leashes!

There are several spots along the trail that go down to the water. During the salmon runs, they put out a fence to keep the salmon and dogs separated. The labs really like to go for a swim here, but Sam and I prefer to just wade!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

We actually are enjoying the sounds of the geese in the mornings. In Seattle, the geese are more like pests, leaving their calling cards on all the local beaches. There are many year round residents.
Home Sweet Home... for now...

Monday, April 17, 2006

We started out it looked like another typical NW day.

For the day we were planning on getting to the Oregon / Washington border. When we got there, we stopped in a rest area to think about our options. Found this little guy there.

I turned on my little TV to watch the news, and they started talking about high wind warnings in the Portland area etc. so... we decided to go for it and head home! As we neared the Puyallup, WA area, we got a peek! We passed several volcanoes without so much as a glimpse, but as the sun was setting, the giant, Mt Rainier was making a small attempt at saying hi!
We called Suzi's cousin in Oregon, and it turned out the day before we were planning on arriving, she had off. so... we raced to Oregon and spent her day off with her. They live right on the river.

Lots of opportunity for photo's if I could shake off the cold... Florida has made me spoiled...

oops, got busted taking a quick step outside.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

As we got into Northern California, the weather seemed a bit like the good ole NW. Rainy with low clouds. Couldn't even guess as to where the sun was the clouds were so thick.

Even the top of this mountain is missing...

Ginger and Bugs found a way to ward off the chill in the air.
We headed out and for home. About somewhere between Barstow and Tehachapi, CA We got our last glimpse at the wind mills.

Near Tehachapi the landscape it beautiful. It looks like something from The Lord of The Rings, and you can just imagine a couple of Hobbits having 3rd lunch under a tree on the hillside.

We made good time and spent the night at a Walmart in Turlock. When we arrived we were greeted by security. He asked if we were planning on spending the night. When we said yes, he asked us to park behind a large truck in the corner. We were home for the night. :)

Saturday, April 15, 2006

While Bugs spent her time stalking the various animals that came by, we got to go on the Berdoo Canyon Road. It is a 4X4 road that goes from the high country in Joshua Tree to the desert area close to Palm Springs.
On the way we found one of our distant relatives.

Once we got away from the majority of people, we stopped by a rock pile to explore.

Samantha and I enjoyed climbing on the rocks here.

Samantha got so excited here that she started whining just like she does when we drive in to Marymoore Park Back in Seattle to go to the 40acre off leash dog park there.

It was here that we were amazed at the little Joshua Tree and Cholla cactus that found a way to live. Nature will find a way!

Also at one time this Western Meadowlark decided to attempt to herd us away by singing a song each time it landed, trying to have us follow it's path.

As we traversed on the 4 wheel drive trail, we came upon some flowering Cactus.

Here are a couple of shots of the 4 wheel drive trail.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

We took a day trip to Palm Springs and stopped by the Cholla Gardens. They were neat. Some looked like Teddy Bears.

The light ones had yellow raspberry shaped flowers.

Found these neat looking flowers when we got to Palm Springs.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

At the campground there was a Great Horned Owl close to the Ranger station. We had to keep our distance since if you get too close, they will abandon their nest. Thank goodness for a good zoom lens on the camera.

Samantha and I had a pretty good time in Joshua Tree! Buger did get a bit lonely, but the Gambles Quail,



and the occasional Road Runner

entertained her back at camp, while we played.