Monday, December 12, 2005

Samantha and I have been having a blast this past week here in the Panhandle of Florida. We have found that we, being dogs are not allowed on the beaches in the state parks and some towns, but thankfully with the assistance of the internet our people were able to find several beaches we could romp on! As far as we are concerned we would love to just stay here at the Ho Hum RV Park for the rest of the winter, but there is something about making money for kibble.... hmmm... I heard we might leave tomorrow. We are exhausted staying here, between the sunrises and the sunsets it makes for a long day at the beach!

There are lots of neat smells and fish carcasses and other neat smelling things to eat and roll in... One of our neighbors told us about the Crucifix Shell, and we found a couple of them. The shells here are a bit more colorful than up in Washington, but not as colorful as we had hoped...
Crucifix Shell

The shell of the Gaftopsail Catfish known as the crucifix shell symbolizes Christ on the cross, including the spear wound. If you find one, shake it to see of it rattles. "a sign of extreme good luck"
The rattling is said to symbolize the sound of soldiers throwing dice, gambling for Christ's garments. (it's actually from two small bones inside which help the fish keep its equilibrium . Religious scholars say teh Gafttopsail or Sail cat is the fish Christ used to feed the masses.

We also found this site:

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