Saturday, December 31, 2005

Hi all! Happy New Year! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!

Our year all started with the idea of traveling. With Suzi being a nurse it only seemed reasonable to have her travel to different locations taking temporary nursing positions along the way... We decided to try it for a year and see how it goes...

It has been quite the year. We started out the year by purchasing a 5th wheel travel trailer. Then we proceeded to give/sell/ throw away the majority of our "stuff" We were amazed at how much "stuff" we had accumulated! By March we had put our possessions into a 8X10 heated storage facility (had ot keep the piano)

By May we were on our way. Just us, our 2 dogs [Ginger and Samantha] and our little kitty [Buger]. Suzi accepted a position in Indianapolis, IN. We had a month to get there! We really liked it in Indy. But got tired of the tornado warnings... especially being in a trailer... Met some neat people, and visited with Suzi's relatives a bit. The 3 mos flew by! Before we knew it the job was over. Towards the end of that job Louisiana was hit by 2 large hurricanes! We were getting messages about how they need nurses down in the area to help. We decided to go help for a month, which turned into 2 mos. We were in the little town of Ville Platte, LA. We stayed at a State park there that was just beautiful! It was here that we saw our first up close alligator! We spent a lot of Suzi's time off in the town of Lafayette. We really liked it in Lafayette. Next she took a job in Gainesville, FL and that is where we are now! We are parked outside of town and have a nice little spot on the lake. Fortunately the alligators and water moccasins are dormant this time of year and hopefully will be as long as we are here... It is such fun to watch all the birds. We have a couple of blue herons that like to strut around just outside our door. Occasionally a bald eagle will perch in the tree nearby, and every evening the sand cranes make their journey across the sky forming the V formation... all the while you can hear the owl in the distance talking up a storm! Gainesville would be a great place to land on a more permanent basis if not for the summer heat and the distance to Joe back in Seattle, not to mention both of our parents out west.

We are not sure where the new year will take us, but right now we are thinking west... course in 5 minutes it might change... after all the world is our oyster...

Happy New Year Everyone!!

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