Saturday, March 18, 2023

Pahranaght Wild Life Refuge, NV

Off of the Great Basin Highway there is a 15 site campground at the upper lake looks like there are large RV's to tents here.  No hookups.  First come first serve.  Plenty of room to turn around at end of campground if no spaces available.

We are planning to stay for a couple nights while a snow storm North of us rolls thru.

The campground filled up for the night, and we were happy to have gotten a spot.  The campground had a good feel about it, nice and quiet.  

Then about 11PM we were startled by a big BANG!  It sounded like something large blew up just outside or RV, but then we heard the jet engines that we often hear from the military planes.  Ok, must have been a sonic boom.  Then we heard a bunch of bangs that sounded like fireworks, or a war zone.

I had not heard a soinc boom since I was a kid.  Suzi got on the web and looked it up.  Turns out the government has had to reimburse home owners in Alamo, NV for home damage from Sonic Booms.  

We thought about leaving, but it was raining here, but snowing north of us, so we stayed our 2 nights.  No more sonic booms and we were glad we stayed.  

Our site from across the lake.

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