Monday, March 20, 2023

Cabins - Pahranaght Wild Life Refuge, NV

 We skipped the lower lake, and headed to the cabin trail over by the Headquarters office in Middle Pahranaght section.

1/2 way down the trail Kim and Boomer headed back to the car.  Suzi finished the trail with the camera and looked at the cabins.
 At first Boomer wanted to wait for Suzi to come back, but as soon as it started raining, he was ready to head back.  He was unimpressed with how slow Kim walks to get back to the car and out of the rain and wind.  Of course the rain stopped just as we got to the car.  All 3 of us got drenched.

There was a large tree across the trail, but Suzi scrambled across it no problem.

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