Tuesday, June 07, 2011

We thought we would stop by for a quick lunch with Ken in ID. While we were there Apryl called (My neice) her daughter Zoe who is 2 had broke her arm and was in the hospital.
April with Zoe and Dominic.

Dominic (7) was very upset that his little sister was broken. Zoe had broke her arm just above the elbow. The doctor said it was above the growth plate. Zoe needed surgery to put a pin in. Turned out she needed 2 pins which they will remove in a couple of weeks. They originally were going to keep Zoe in the hospital over night, but she was doing so well after surgery that they sent her home.

What happened was Zoe was playing with a little boy about her age, but much bigger than her. She climbed ontop of the coffee table, and the boy shoved her off.

Here is the dreaded coffee table, which evidently was the culprit of another toddler accident not long ago.

Looks like great kindling for a bon fire to me.

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