Thursday, March 01, 2007

Hi, Jacque the puppy here, Smudge was nice enough to show me how to work the computer while everyone else was outside... I prefer to be indoors, and spend a lot of my outdoor activities sitting at the door waiting to go back in. Little do they realize it was just so I could learn this new important skill.
Last night our person took us to a weird place and made a bunch of phone calls looking for a place for us to stay. Her dad was mean to us, and she decided we needed to be elsewhere. Then under the cover of darkness a big pickup truck showed up, and they put us in it. We napped all the way to our new location.

It was a long drive, maybe longer since there was snow on the roadway when we got closer. There even was a wrecked car along the way.

We got quiet the greeting when we arrived.

My brother Bandit is demonstrating here how we learned fast to give the cat a wide birth.

We slept really good in our crate last night. We even kept it dry. We have had a few accidents this morning though. They keep insisting we actually go down the steps from the deck before doing our business... don't they know, that snow is COLD!

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