Saturday, March 31, 2007

Monday, March 26, 2007

Looks like spring is sprunging... Sure is fun seeing all the colors of spring, now if we could just do it without the pollen... ;)...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The ducks are still hanging around. They are funny, the only time they fly is when we go outside, then it is just a short hop. It cracked us up when we saw 2 ducks waddling down our driveway from the street.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Spring is well on it's way! Found this in the wetlands on our property... skunk cabbage??? sure is neat looking though!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Suzi wanted more light in the workout room. This is the old light fixture.

This is the new one I put in. it takes 68watts, and boy is it bright! The box says it is equivalent to a 200watt bulb.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Our baby deer came by.
She is looking a bit thin, but it looks like here hair is coming back in...

Friday, March 16, 2007

Great Sunrise!
It is moments like this that make us just love it here... of course the pic does NOT do the sunrise justice!

Not much happening, just taking off some wallpaper. Taking it slow, and doing a little at a time. Felt good working on the part that looks like Christmas wrap...

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Some of the roads are closed with water over them. Pretty minor stuff compared to last fall.

Monday, March 12, 2007

The Pineapple Express is back... means lots of rain, and warmer weather. With the snowpack in the mts melting and the rain it is causing some minor flooding. Sammy is taking full advantage of her extra water.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Been busy, busy, busy...
The day after the puppies left, Joe called and he and Carisha wanted their Guinea Puppies back, and were hoping to have me help move some stuff... Since it was sunny out, and there was rain forecasted for the next week, I dropped everything, and took the Guinea Puppies over to them.

bye Smudge

Turned out they didn't find a place to live, so... they went back to the campground they had lived a couple of years ago. My photos aren't the best since it was getting dusky by the time we got out there, but this is the road to their site. It is a single track dirt road going up the side of a steep hill/mountain... I felt like I was on a logging road.

The site they were in while living in a tent was available, and there is a wood shelter. 2 walls have plywood. The blue tarps in the photos were there already, and they brought the green tarps. It reminds us of some of the substandard housing we saw in the hurricane regions.


I was getting a kick out of seeing all the pets they have now. I think Carisha was happy to have all of them back together again...
Wax the turtle sure is fast compared to Alice the bearded dragon.

I was able to get a shot of Wax while he exercised.

As I was looking around the new digs I noticed they had something weird in the rafters... upon a closer look it turned out to be a small bat hanging there.
We were concerned it was dead, so I blew on it, and no it is alive. It was still hanging there when I left...

Monday, March 05, 2007

Looks like spring is coming! Some of Suzi's bulbs are peeking out. Our frogs are having a great day today. It is supposed to break the 60F mark, and they are singing about it!
Today was bittersweet. We took Bandit and Jacques down to be with Mike. He is taking Jacques, and his friend is taking Bandit. It was really cute seeing how Jacques was looking at him so adoringly upon meeting him. Like they were meant to be together! We really miss them already, but know this is the best for all. Here is Suzi Trying to make the puppies lap dogs one last time.
The snow is all gone. Here Samantha is demonstrating jumping the creek/ (drainage ditch) But we never ventured across.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

We are having fun here. They have lots of good things to chew on. Ginger and Samantha have not been very impressed with the giant raw hide chew toy Joe got them for Christmas. But boy we sure love it! Thanks Joe!

We also have numerous bones to chew on which is nice since we are teething!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

The snow is going to be gone soon... it is raining and warm... makes it easier for the puppies to run!
Day 4 of incarceration:
Something wonderful happened today... They broke open the special carrot chew stick! Jack got so excited he practically climbed out of the cage!

Maybe being incarcerated isn't so bad after all... eek, what am I thinking??? Must watch for signs of Stockholm Syndrome in both myself and Jack...

Friday, March 02, 2007

Pic of the day: Sam is funny, loves the puppies... outside...
but inside she is constantly snipping at them if they go near her... everytime we go out the puppies are confused when we come back in the house.
We are getting quite the education. Here you can see we are in tug of war class.

And here we are implementing our skill with that... we already knew how to do this, but lets keep it between us...

This is another class that baffles us... snowball catching class... Here Samantha is demonstrating the technique for catching the snowballs...

Ok, now it is my turn... I am putting my full attention on the snowball...

oops, I guess I should have paid better attention back when Samantha was demonstrating...
Day 3 of incarceration:
It was AWFULL!! We were just minding our own business, then they did it... our captors decided we needed fresh bedding! It was one of the scariest things I have ever experienced!


Thursday, March 01, 2007

We slept really well last night, then after the sun came out we all went outside to play in the snow! This stuff is FUN!!

It was so deep in places that we found it easier to follow others...

not to mention a lot of fun to just follow Samantha around!

WOW!! playing in the snow is sure tiring!
Hi, Jacque the puppy here, Smudge was nice enough to show me how to work the computer while everyone else was outside... I prefer to be indoors, and spend a lot of my outdoor activities sitting at the door waiting to go back in. Little do they realize it was just so I could learn this new important skill.
Last night our person took us to a weird place and made a bunch of phone calls looking for a place for us to stay. Her dad was mean to us, and she decided we needed to be elsewhere. Then under the cover of darkness a big pickup truck showed up, and they put us in it. We napped all the way to our new location.

It was a long drive, maybe longer since there was snow on the roadway when we got closer. There even was a wrecked car along the way.

We got quiet the greeting when we arrived.

My brother Bandit is demonstrating here how we learned fast to give the cat a wide birth.

We slept really good in our crate last night. We even kept it dry. We have had a few accidents this morning though. They keep insisting we actually go down the steps from the deck before doing our business... don't they know, that snow is COLD!
UPDATE: We have discovered there are other's captive in a cell... 2 puppies,Bandit and Jacque. In conversing with them, they are approx. 3mos old.
We overheard our captors saying something about Fostering them for a week...