Saturday, February 03, 2007

The camper we got needs some TLC, and modification... We were having a hard time finding a camper from the 70's that was not totally wood rotted, and also since we have a 2002 truck, our tailgate width is smaller than the trucks from the 70's. The camper we got had an extra box mounted on the side of the camper where the tailgate goes, giving the camper more floor space in the porta potty room. The box was 2" wider than would fit on our truck.
When we started, we knew there was a water line in the way for the drain on the water tank. We figured the wires for the tail lights would be out of the way since on our last camper the wiring was routed thru the ceiling. We decided to peel the box like a potato just incase there were more surprises...

The copper tube is the water line. It was routed thru the box, and the copper tube is just a short piece attaching to plastic tube at either end, so we were able to just spin it out of the way.

Rather than just trimming the 2 inches needed, we decided to take the box completely off. Thinking it will make it easier to load the camper in the future.
Since we were in the driveway of the people we bought the camper from, we decided not to patch the hole, and just get it loaded and take it home...

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