Saturday, February 04, 2006

Poor Sammy had a bad couple of nights... and days... lots of thunder! We got up this morning, and turned on the TV. They said we got 8-12 inches of rain yesterday! When I went out our site was high and dry, but the access road was a bit under water. The sump pumps had failed... There is an area that looks like a basement, and is about as deep. It was completely full of water! Here is a pic.

The workers have been running pumps for about 8 hours now, the water has only gone down a couple of feet, but the road way and other RV sites are now dry. Along the way the power has gone out also, but we are the only site with an RV in it that is affected. I have checked, and we are good for gas for the generator just incase we need power, after all the big game is tormorrow! GO SEAHAWKS!!

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