With the Indiana portion of our trip over with they decided to take us on our next leg to Ohio.
This shot is of Buger riding on the back of the middle seat in the cab of the truck

We pulled in to Napoleon, OH just before dusk. It was hot and humid, but some storm clouds were on their way. As soon as it turned dark the lightning started... Poor Samantha! Then the rain and wind started! First Kim and Suzi ran around closing the roof vents to keep the rain out. We even got a bit of hail. It was still to warm to close all the windows. Kim was on the bed upstairs, and the next thing she knew she was getting wet from the water coming in thru the window. By this time the trailer was rocking in the wind quite well. It was scary. Kim came downstairs to help Suzi put the slide in and close windows. She got her feet washed, and noticed the rain was coming in thru the heater!! The rain was coming down sideways in sheets, the power for the street lamps was out. Kim and Suzi decided to move the trailer so the nose of it was into the wind. That was when the night got bad for me. Kim had a hard time opening the door due to the wind pushing against it. She finally got it opened. She said to stay, but I didn’t listen and decided getting in trouble was better than staying in the rocking trailer! The door got away from her and it hit me in the head. I let out a big YELP! and jumped backwards. I was not quite fast enough, maybe cause I am 9 I am getting slower??... The door closed on my paw. I YELPED AND WHINED until FINALLY Kim and Suzi were able to pry the door open and free my paw. I continued to YELP for awhile. Kim said that when she turned on the headlights of the truck that the car in front of us had water partway up the hubcap! She pulled the trailer around and stopped, blocking the driveway of the parking lot a bit. She was in a hurry to see if I was ok and left it there for awhile. I quit being noisy around the time they opened the door back up. I have a bump on my paw and am having no problems walking or typing this. When they try to look at my bump, I just tuck my paw under my chest and give them the don’t you dare mess with my paw look... so far so good...
Kim and Suzi were watching the news and it turned out that just east of us on I-75 an eighteen wheeler was tipped over from the strong winds. They also said that the storms would continue off and on thru the night. Kim needed to move out of the driveway, so she went and parked us downwind right next to a bus. In the middle of the night we started to jiggle a bit, but Kim looked out the window to see the bus still there, and we went back to sleep.

I was REALLY glad to be leaving Ohio!
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