Thursday, September 08, 2005

Buger showing off her skills. :)

1 comment:

Kim and Suzi ,,,^..^,,, said...

Hi 'other woman' Thanks for stopping in! I see you are an RN as well. This is my first travel assignment and I have to say, that I'm glad I did it.

The people at Clarion have been great. I feel sad leaving after 3 months, because they made me feel a part of the family. I am looking forward to seeing a new place. I'd like to go work with the hurricane victims down south. I was concerned that because I'm med/surg oncology, I wouldn't have that much to offer, but I'm checking into it. I would also like to see Florida soon if possible.

Bugs is so cute, I love watching her stretch out in the sun!

Alright, take care!