We had 3 family events in 4 days while in S. Bend IN.
Also we went to the Crossroads RV manufacturing plant in Topeka, IN with Suzi‘s parents. We took the tour and had some minor warrantee work done on our unit.
The roads getting there were interesting. They had an extra wide shoulder on the road for the Amish wagons that were pulled by horses. Bicycles we also a popular mode of transportation for the Amish. We were worried about coming upon one after dark, but thankfully they had bright flashing lights and lots of reflectors on their buggies.
Normally at the RV plant, they start at 5am and end around 1-1:30pm due to the afternoon heat. But they were swamped due to FEMA contacting all the trailer manufacturers to build units for the hurricane victims. So they are working from 5am-5pm.

It was interesting to see the workers putting all the parts together. One thing that sticks out for me that was fascinating was they turn the frame of the trailer over, then mount the axles etc to the frame. Upon completing this, they would raise the frame up and rotate it back over to upright. A large population of the workers were Amish.
They allowed us to park at their facility the night before our warrantee appointment. (which was 5:30am) At 4:45am we awoke to rush hour of the sleepy little town. It went zoom, zoom, clip/clop, clip/clop, neigh, clip/clop, zoom, zoom. Crossroads not only took care of the problems, they also found some minor stuff they took care of.
Also congrats to Suzi's parents!! They are now the proud owners of a 2005 Crossroads Cruiser 27rl. It is the twin to the one we live in.