Friday, September 30, 2005

Here is a pic of our campsite here in Adairsville, GA.

We are getting itchy feet again, so we are off tomorrow. We decided to head to the Gulf. Who knows if we will have web service, but we are headed to the Alabama coast for the weekend.

Vicki, this one is for you... the Adairsville Cemetary...

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Ok, scratch the Smokey MTS. We never got our call, so we need to stay in cell phone range. The cell phone will not work in the Smokey Mts, so... we decided to head out to GA.

We have an old friend there that we haven't spoken to in over a decade! I happen to have her mom's number, and she got us in contact with her.

Turned out that Cherie had brain surgery in 2000. She had a problem where her artery was in wrong spot and direction, and where it connected to a vein it caused pressure finally pressing against her optic nerve. The dr told her that if she did nothing she would just fall down dead one day with no warning. There were a couple of experimental treatments available, but the only sure way to cure it was to have her right temperal lobe removed. She has short term memory problems from the surgery, but otherwise she is doing well. It was really good to see her.

Here is a shot of what Buger thinks of GA. She really likes the fact that we are leaving the a/c off even though it is a bit warm...

Monday, September 26, 2005

We are planning on going to the Smokey MTS, and may not have web or even cell phone service for that matter. Should be back in a week or so... maybe longer...

Our neighbor here happens to have a Data Storm on his rig and was nice enough to let us on his server to get caught up on some web stuff... I must say this is really neat! I have never been on a server that operated this fast! Unfortunately for me it is $5k for the unit (if you want it mounted on the roof of the RV) or $2k to have a portable out by the picknic table... (I would be worried it would walk away!) then on top of that $70 per month... The monthy fee is going down. Now if we could just win lotto... oh yeah, that constitutes buying a ticket... oh well...
Ok, I am starting to really feel for the folks In the Eastern Time Zone... I was looking forward to a laid back evening watching Monday Night Football... much to my surprise it does not start until 9pm... with no Starbucks coffee???

How do they do it???
Happy Birthday to Suzi!! She started her day with the cake of her choice... a reeses peanut butter cup with a single candle... just what she wanted...

Here is a shot of Samantha by the lake here at the campground.

then we took her over to the local Sheriff's office and had them take her prints for her Florida license. She said the place was gloomy and depressing... just as a place for prisoners should be. They did it with a computer... no ink...

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Had a pretty laid back day today. Just sat around and watched Football all day and had a fire tonight.

Here is how our map of the US is coming... we got to add TN!!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Tennessee: 09-24-05

We decided to make it a short driving day. We are going to need to stay in cell phone range and are not sure if the phone will work in the Smokey Mt National Park. We stopped in a little place called Pioneer, TN. Kim and Suzi did good on this one. It is a small kind of rustic park... under construction... They have electric (for the a/c), water and sewer. They bit the big one, and went ahead and joined Passport America. Since they are now members they are camping here for 1/2 price... $10 a night. We will break even if we stay at least 4 nights at Passport America parks

The way we found the place is, there is a HUGE cross on the adjacent property here. It looks like if something ever happened it would fall on the power lines... Kim asked about it and was told that the guy who erected it was told by the city not to. They were concerned that it would fall on I-75. He built it anyway. The man who built it is now in his 80’s. One thing that is kind of funny is it overlooks an adult bar XXX. We were wondering which came first... the bar or the cross.

After it cooled off we took a walk to a small man made lake. Our neighbor was down there with his dog. He was throwing the stick into the water for his dog, and can you believe it, the dog actually was going out after the stick... at least the dog didn’t bring it back every time... Samantha and I did some wading and lots of running down by the lake! I fell head over heals for the guy!! But when we went up the hill and I met his brother I was scared to death of him! We got to run loose the whole time tonight. They built a fire on the bluff overlooking the adult bar. (Kim and Suzi didn’t even realize what it was until it was almost time to leave. )

I finally put my foot down and herded them back home for a nice restful sleep!

Friday, September 23, 2005

Kentucky: 09-23-05

On the drive down we took I-75. When we got to Cincinnati, OH we were listening to the radio and there were a couple of tornado alerts just to the west of us. So we decided to head for the hills of KY! Hoping the hills would help. We ended up pulling into the town of Richmond, KY. We drove right thru the main part of town. They had the most awesome architecture there! Around every bend Kim and Suzi were ooohing and ahhhhing over the extensive estates! sorry no pics ... We headed South on hwy 25 and ended up in the town of Berea, KY. We stopped at a bank where they fed us and we got to run around a bit. it was next door to the high school where the homecoming game was taking place. We then moved a couple miles down the road to Wal-Mart to spend the night.

Kim and Suzi really enjoyed seeing the mountains. They missed seeing them when in Indiana. They are now telling people that Indiana is like North Dakota, with trees.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Ohio: 09-22-05

With the Indiana portion of our trip over with they decided to take us on our next leg to Ohio.

This shot is of Buger riding on the back of the middle seat in the cab of the truck

We pulled in to Napoleon, OH just before dusk. It was hot and humid, but some storm clouds were on their way. As soon as it turned dark the lightning started... Poor Samantha! Then the rain and wind started! First Kim and Suzi ran around closing the roof vents to keep the rain out. We even got a bit of hail. It was still to warm to close all the windows. Kim was on the bed upstairs, and the next thing she knew she was getting wet from the water coming in thru the window. By this time the trailer was rocking in the wind quite well. It was scary. Kim came downstairs to help Suzi put the slide in and close windows. She got her feet washed, and noticed the rain was coming in thru the heater!! The rain was coming down sideways in sheets, the power for the street lamps was out. Kim and Suzi decided to move the trailer so the nose of it was into the wind. That was when the night got bad for me. Kim had a hard time opening the door due to the wind pushing against it. She finally got it opened. She said to stay, but I didn’t listen and decided getting in trouble was better than staying in the rocking trailer! The door got away from her and it hit me in the head. I let out a big YELP! and jumped backwards. I was not quite fast enough, maybe cause I am 9 I am getting slower??... The door closed on my paw. I YELPED AND WHINED until FINALLY Kim and Suzi were able to pry the door open and free my paw. I continued to YELP for awhile. Kim said that when she turned on the headlights of the truck that the car in front of us had water partway up the hubcap! She pulled the trailer around and stopped, blocking the driveway of the parking lot a bit. She was in a hurry to see if I was ok and left it there for awhile. I quit being noisy around the time they opened the door back up. I have a bump on my paw and am having no problems walking or typing this. When they try to look at my bump, I just tuck my paw under my chest and give them the don’t you dare mess with my paw look... so far so good...
Kim and Suzi were watching the news and it turned out that just east of us on I-75 an eighteen wheeler was tipped over from the strong winds. They also said that the storms would continue off and on thru the night. Kim needed to move out of the driveway, so she went and parked us downwind right next to a bus. In the middle of the night we started to jiggle a bit, but Kim looked out the window to see the bus still there, and we went back to sleep.

I was REALLY glad to be leaving Ohio!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

We had 3 family events in 4 days while in S. Bend IN.

Also we went to the Crossroads RV manufacturing plant in Topeka, IN with Suzi‘s parents. We took the tour and had some minor warrantee work done on our unit.

The roads getting there were interesting. They had an extra wide shoulder on the road for the Amish wagons that were pulled by horses. Bicycles we also a popular mode of transportation for the Amish. We were worried about coming upon one after dark, but thankfully they had bright flashing lights and lots of reflectors on their buggies.

Normally at the RV plant, they start at 5am and end around 1-1:30pm due to the afternoon heat. But they were swamped due to FEMA contacting all the trailer manufacturers to build units for the hurricane victims. So they are working from 5am-5pm.

It was interesting to see the workers putting all the parts together. One thing that sticks out for me that was fascinating was they turn the frame of the trailer over, then mount the axles etc to the frame. Upon completing this, they would raise the frame up and rotate it back over to upright. A large population of the workers were Amish.

They allowed us to park at their facility the night before our warrantee appointment. (which was 5:30am) At 4:45am we awoke to rush hour of the sleepy little town. It went zoom, zoom, clip/clop, clip/clop, neigh, clip/clop, zoom, zoom. Crossroads not only took care of the problems, they also found some minor stuff they took care of.

Also congrats to Suzi's parents!! They are now the proud owners of a 2005 Crossroads Cruiser 27rl. It is the twin to the one we live in.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Yippee!! The other day was Suzi's last day at work. Now she is unemployed... for now... She is hoping to interview with some folks in Louisiana. They are having phone problems down there from Katrina. But she should have an interview in the next week or so.... She may decide not to go... who knows... Where the Wind Takes Us after all...

I understand we are going to visit some folks up North in S. Bend IN this next week and have some minor repairs done under warrantee on our home.

Our fridge was needing defrosting, so Kim defrosted it today... kind of weird if you ask us pets... ;)

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Today, from my prospective was the best!
We were at a family reunion on Suzi's Dad's side of the family. Imagine if you can having a house full of people, lots of food that they like to share! I worked the room like a little butterfly going from person to person, getting scritches here and there, and more importantly little nibbles here and there. Occasionally draping myself across granma's lap on the couch.

It was great!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Ginger and Samantha relaxing outside. Seems to really entertain the neighbors that Ginger has her own lawn chair... and uses it. ;)

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

I noticed the TV antena has been rubbing on the rubber roof membrane. Here you can see the marks left on the roof:

Being concerned that a hole will someday appear, when I least expect it. I decided to put something down for the antena to rub on instead. I cut out plastic from the lid of an icecream bucket, (it was hard work eating all that icecream!) Then I attached them using Silicone caulking Finally I caulked around the edges with self leveling rubber roof caulk to keep the wind from peeling them up while in transit.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Clarian Methodist Hospital, Indianapolis, IN
June 17, 2005 - September 17, 2005

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Suzi had the day off. We decided to run by the RCA dome and take some pics.

They were doing demolition to the Blue wall next to the stadium. They are making way to build a new football stadium.

Below if you look where the crane is you can see the little bobcat tractor hanging in the air.

They took the bobcats lowered them to the ground then lifted them back up again.