The drive to our destination was scattered with historical towns with shops that had been through many reincarnations, and some boarded up beyond repair. Farmhouses that have seen many lives pass through their doors and tombstones that have barely held onto the soil that supports them, were present in town after town, and cornfield after cornfield. Small colored arrows marked the various pathways to the bridges including yellow, brown and blue. We chose brown and were soon led to a small covered bridge. We let the dogs run and they loved it! The construction of these bridges were with large curving beams and we stopped awhile to admire the beautiful architecture.

We also stumbled upon an old town that has become a tourist site. Old buildings are kept in beautiful condition with the old machinery that used to be top of the line, displayed inside. One old house had hand carved wood and was perfectly notched together with no nails. Inside the dark windows, two rocking chairs were by the fireplace just waiting for their inhabitants to return.
Goats were kept by the old barn and were very interested in Ginger and Sam. But the puppies took a 'ho, hum' approach to their interest and we were soon on the way back to the car.
We enjoyed the rolling hills and woods of this part of Indiana. We drove by more covered bridges, shops,churches,and houses that make up a tiny piece of history here in the midwest. It was fun to catch a glimpse!

After we got home, we found a couple of tics. Suzi and her pets...
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